The Legend of Iveswood

Where hope hides in shadow.

To Refill a Well that Maybe Once Existed

Well met, friends!
While the standard greeting around here thus far has been “Hello,” I decided to change it up this time, due to my recent discovery that the word ‘hello’ is actually younger than I’d thought, only dating back to the 1830s with the invention of the telephone. “That’s all well and good,” you might say, “but this is the twenty-first century, and what’s that got to do with us, now?”
To which my reply would be, “Nothing, I still use it of course”—but I don’t think the Iveswood crew should, so tweaking their greetings to fit an older style is one of many changes I’m making.

Since my brain is rather exhausted for other types of posts right now, I’m doing another update on how the revision is going.
I’m still inexperienced in the blogging-sphere, but I’d like to mention a friend of mine recently introduced me to the kindly Christine Smith (this is her blog), as well as an event called FicFrenzy, which I’ve been fortunate enough to participate in as of last month. The support and comradery of this event has encouraged me amid fixing Vol.1.
And as to this fixing…I would say it’s going great!

Storm: “Ha.”
Clara: *smiles awkwardly* “Is it, though?”

…YES. Yes it IS, guys, honestly! I know exactly what I’m doing.

Storm: “No you don’t.”
Clara: “Well, it doesn’t, necessarily seem like it…”

Hmph. If this was a comic panel, I’d be glaring at you two flatly right about now.
Progress includes panicking about all the choices you made during the draft, fretting that maybe you should rewrite the whole thing to make it “good enough,” apologizing to your beta-readers, and then being helped to realize it ain’t as bad as you thought, and no, you don’t have to entirely rewrite more than a dozen scenes.
Because, as it turns out, perfectionism isn’t a good mindset for evaluating the pros and cons of a work. Perhaps it’s different when it comes to line-editing, but if you go overboard trying to make something as good as it seemed in your imagination, you run the risk of butchering what was already good about it, and never feeling satisfied.
So, yes. Progress is happening. A list of moderate edits to be made exists now, and I’m ready for the next step: enacting them.

Storm: “Ahem. As thankful as I am you’re not completely rewriting me into a different person again—care to explain how you followed us for hundreds of miles to record what we did, and yet still feel the need to pester us with questions to hear what we sound like?”

Listen, pal, I’m rusty, and I have to cut, change, and add some pieces to make this thing work. Y’know what number 3 is, on that list of changes? Making you sound less cranky later on.

Storm: “Huh?”
Clara: “Ahaha! Yes! You see it too, then? Thank you! Ha…”
Storm: *looks betrayed* “Hey, I’m not that bad! Er, all right, perhaps I was a bit difficult on purpose, but I lightened up! …You know?”

Yeah, sorry pal. Not quite enough in my opinion.

Storm: “Wh—You see this name-tag, right? Short for ‘stormy-tempered one’? This is literally who I am!”
Clara: “Didn’t Fentimus name you that?”
Storm: “Yes, but—he—it—arghh!”

Listen, buddy, it’s all good. Just you wait and see.
In other news, I’m starting to read “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen (finally), both because it’s been on my list forever, and I hope it will inspire me as I tinker with my own duo’s evolving dynamics.
And tonight, I’m watching the classic film “The Godfather,” because what better bizarre clash of genres is there? Well no, actually it’s because that too is something I’ve been meaning to do, and I’m hoping for inspiration in writing about the Shadow’s attempts to sever ties with his gang, the Erratican.

Clara: “Um, please tell me the point of doing these things isn’t merely to serve the purpose of more writing?”

Oh, Miss Higden. When life hands you lemons, you can then write a recipe about how to make lemonade!
Er, that is, sometimes, being reminded that your well needs to be refilled is as good an excuse as any to do something you already knew was worth doing. Just don’t fill your well with lemons, kids.

…Alright, I’d better wrap up this post before my tired brain starts inventing more nonsense. Friends, I’d love to hear of any random, interesting facts you’ve heard recently, or what you’re currently reading or watching. Tell us what’s filling your well, in the comments!


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