The Legend of Iveswood

Where hope hides in shadow.


The Tales of the Shadow
  • ‘A Capital Robbery’ — When a notorious pick-pocket catches wind of a garment hidden in the king’s treasury that could render him impossible to catch, he assembles the most skilled band of cutthroats, swindlers, and burglars in Skylia to help him seize it—at a much steeper cost than he was willing to pay. Behold, the origin of the Shadow, and the Erratican… – Coming Soon
  • ‘Lock-Fakers’ — When the Erratican’s latest plot in their spiral of greed lands two of their core members in a couple cells in Arosticus, the Shadow realizes no one is coming for them, and must devise an escape before the executioner arrives. – Coming Soon
Legends from the Wrythenmere
  • ‘Ruran and the Arkentine’s Gate’ — Rura, the larger of the two moons in Anvior’s night sky, is named after Ruran, “Moth’s fiercest servant,” and Skylian mythology’s strangest figure. – Coming Soon
  • ‘Woods of Whispers’ — Skylia’s most haunting corner of mythology concerns the Faceless, and the White Wood’s effect on people near death. – Coming Soon
Skylian Folktales
  • ‘The Hissing Mines of Magna Marna’ — When the Terracondras working in the Fabrotite mines quit without explaination, it is up to their human coworkers to discover why. Behold Mt. Carnume, the last stronghold of a certain terror from Tarsk. – Coming Soon
  • ‘Where the Moethnar Sleep’ — Of all the mighty creatures that once existed in Skylia, none are quite so mysterious as the Giant-folk. A child discovers one night that the hills are not so empty as he thought… – Coming Soon
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