The Legend of Iveswood

Where hope hides in shadow.

Category: Deleted Scenes

  • Deleted Scene: Ethellus Finds the Shadow

    “Oh…oh, dear,” Ethellus muttered, growing more worried by the moment. The muddy, tattered lump had turned out to be an unconscious young man half-buried in dead leaves, as the Old Forester discovered the moment he prodded him with his stick. He flopped over and remained still, dried blood stark against his pale face.

  • Deleted Scene: Phantom warns Storm in a Nightmare

    My eyes snapped open. …Booommn… I was staring at the floorboards. Blue-gray in the dim moonlight. …Booommn… I stared up at the window, expecting to see the white moon. I only saw the dark empty air outside, lit with a muted light from no visible source. Something was wrong.

  • Deleted Scene: Storm robs Exalder’s Treasury

    All was silent…till at last the faint echo of voices came. Every fiber of my being quivered at the sound. I closed the fabric over my satchel, shut the iron-bound chest, and rose, with practiced speed. Footsteps sounded on stone in the hallway. I popped open my lantern’s hatch and blew out the flame, plunging…

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