The Eyes of Moth: Mercy and Justice
‘Moth plucked up the bitter shards, softened with her tears, And offered them return to health, but many kept their fears. A second chance these fallen faced: a hearth and home below, In exchange for pain and loss of strength they knew too well…’
Know the Novel 2023: Part Three
It’s December everybody—and we have just enough time for this year’s last episode of Know the Novel, wherein we get 10 questions to explore this work-in-progress, in its ups and downs…
Know the Novel 2023: Part Two
And welcome back for Round 2 of this here writer’s link-up, where we have 10 questions on how this work-in-progress is progressing. (Buckle up, friends, because it’s not all hot coffee and butterflies)…
Know the Novel 2023: Part One
Hello, mine friends! As someone still new to the world of blogging, this is my first time participating in a link-up event—one specifically for writers, no less, curtesy of Christine Smith. Join me for 10 questions delving into Volume One…
Backwards Editing
Ahoy, mine friends! I’m still working on the first satirical-retelling post, but it’s been awhile since I last posted, so here’s another, delayed editing-update. I’ll be honest and admit why: editing is a quagmire. But I’ve made some progress.
To Refill a Well that Maybe Once Existed
Well met, friends! While the standard greeting around here thus far has been “Hello,” I decided to change it up this time, due to my recent discovery that the word ‘hello’ is actually younger than I’d thought. Here’s another update on how the revision is going…
A Fallen Folk-Hero~
Summer is upon us, and it seems like a good time to reflect on how projects are going. I had been planning to post the first ‘Tale of the Shadow’ short-story back in April, when I realized something.
The Metamorphae:
Humans with the ability to take on an animal-form have dwelt among their fellow Skylians since before the creatures of Tarsk were purged from the land. All the answers to questions surrounding these wondrous people can be found in this entry from Storm’s Green Book.